How to use graphics drawing library for PowerPoint VBA

Settings for enabling use of VBA

To use VBA in PowerPoint, it is necessary to show the "Development" menu and set the security level of macros. Please refer to the written materials and information on the web for the operations required.

Embedding Graphics library for PowerPoint VBA using AddShape instructions

Copy the source program of graphics drawing library using AddShape instructions and paste to Module 2. You can also use an PowerPoint file that has the Graphics library built-in.

Fill in Module 1 with your own program.

Distribution of Graphics Drawing Libraryy for PowerPoint VBA

Settings for calling graphics drawing instructions from another PowerPoint file

When calling graphics drawing instruction from another PowerPoint file, it is necessary to set reference for each file. (In the Visual Basic Editor, select "Tool"- "Reference setting") Files to be referenced must be placed in a fixed folder.

You can also add graphics drawing instructions as PowerPoint add-ins. Save an PowerPoint file incorporating graphic libraryin in AddIn format and copy to AddIn directory, then select "Add in" from "PowerPoint" menu and add it.