Graphics Drawing Library for Excel VBA by using GDI32 Instructions

Reason for development

We previously reported the Graphics Drawing Library using AddShape Instructions. However, there was a weakness that execution speed was slow. Therefore, by adopting the instructions provided by MS Windows gdi32.dll, we developped a new graphics drawing library for Excel VBA that can work at a practical speed.

Operating environment

Microsoft Windows 7 or Later

Microsoft Excel 2010 or Later


  • Drawing is much faster than using the AddShape instructions. (1,000 to 5,000 times)
  • Two types of graphics library are provided: "Graphics with world coordinates" and "Turtle graphics"

Points to note

  • You need to manage the Device context handle by yourself. (acquisition and release) 。
  • It does not support automatic redrawing of Form. If the drawn window is hidden behind other application windows, the drawn result may disappear.