Example of Turtle Graphics Library for Excel VBA by using GDI32 Instructions


  1. Copy the source program of graphics drawing library by GDI32 instructions and paste to Module 2.
  2. Insert a user form. The size of the user form should be larger than Viewport.
  3. Fill in the procedure for displaying the form on the workbook
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
 End Sub
  1. Insert buttons into Form
  2. Write a CALL statement for displaying turtle graphics in the CommandButton1_Click procedure.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' Draw polygons
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
' Draw Spirals
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
' Koch curve
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
' Tree Diagram
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
  SetViewPort 0, 0, 699, 629
End Sub
  1. Fill in Module 1 with procedures to obtain device context and display turtle graphics.

Get device context and display turtle graphics.

Option Explicit
Sub TurtleTest01()
' Get device context handle
    monhdc = GetForegroundWindow()
    myhdc = GetDC(monhdc)
    If myhdc = 0 Then Exit Sub

Dim i, j, side

side = 100
For i = 3 To 9
    For j = 1 To i
        TGMoveL side
        TGTurn 360 / i
      Debug.Print gTGCurrentX, gTGCurrentY
    Next j
Next i

End Sub

Sub TurtleTest02()
' Get device context handle
    monhdc = GetForegroundWindow()
    myhdc = GetDC(monhdc)
    If myhdc = 0 Then Exit Sub

Dim length, angle, d

    length = 300
    angle = 89
    d = 2
    TGSetPoint 600, 0
    Do While length > d
        TGMoveL length
        TGTurn angle
        length = length - d
End Sub
Sub DrawKochCurve()
' Get device context handle
    monhdc = GetForegroundWindow()
    myhdc = GetDC(monhdc)
    If myhdc = 0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim i, length, n

    n = 4       ' Koch Dimension
    length = 5      ' 0-th length

    For i = 1 To 3
         Koch n, length
         TGTurn -120
    Next i

End Sub

Sub Koch(n, length)

    If n = 0 Then
        TGMoveL length
        Koch n - 1, length
        TGTurn 60
        Koch n - 1, length
        TGTurn -120
        Koch n - 1, length
        TGTurn 60
        Koch n - 1, length
    End If
End Sub

Sub DrawTree()
' Get device context handle
    monhdc = GetForegroundWindow()
    myhdc = GetDC(monhdc)
    If myhdc = 0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim myLength, myTurn, myRatio

    myLength = 200      ' 0-th branch length
    myTurn = 60         ' Angle of bending
    myRatio = 0.6       ' Ratio of Branch length
    TreeAll myLength, myTurn, myRatio

End Sub

Sub TreeAll(myLength, myTurn, myRatio)

    If myLength < 5 Then Exit Sub
    TGMoveL myLength, vbGreen
    TGTurn -myTurn
    TreeAll myLength * myRatio, myTurn, myRatio
    TGTurn myTurn
    TGTurn myTurn
    TreeAll myLength * myRatio, myTurn, myRatio
    TGTurn -myTurn
    TGMoveL -myLength, vbGreen
End Sub

  Download Excel file   tg-gdi32-eng.xlsm
  It contains the programs for display of polygons, spairals, Koch curves and Tree diagrams.