Resizing of viewport

The drawing area(viewport) is set to the whole range of the paperexcept margins in Sub InitializeGraphics.

Sub InitializeGraphics()
    Call SetViewPort(gScreenXLeft, gScreenYTop, gScreenXRight, gScreenYBottom)
    Call SetGraphicsWindow(0, 0, gWidth, gHeight)
End Sub

The drawing range is set to (85.05, 99.25) - (510.25, 742.65) for A4 portrait paper. The drawing range is set to (85.05, 99.25) - (756.85, 510.25) for A4 landscape paper.

You can change the size of the drawing area by changing the argument value of Sub SetViewPort

Example  Use a top half of an A4 portrait paper

    Call SetViewPort(85, 99, 510, 372 )

If you want to always set the different size of the drawing area, change the argument of SetViewPort in Sub InitializeGraphics.

Example  When a range of 400 x 300 pixels from the upper left is used as the drawing area and the upper right specifies a positive coordinate system.

Sub InitializeGraphics()
    Call SetViewPort(85, 99, 485,399)
    Call SetGraphicsWindow(-4, 3, 4, -3)
End Sub